Friday 13 March 2015

Few Important Baking Tips for the Beginners

Initially I was planning to make this blog on a basic chocolate cake recipe, because many of my friends already requested me for uploading this. It seems that, chocolate cake is the hot-favorite for everyone... the situation is same at my end, too! So, even I can't wait to share the recipe and techniques of baking a chocolate cake. But...

Yes, there is a "But" for which I changed my mind and decided to share few important tips, before you go and try the chocolate cake recipe. Let me explain the "But" first and then will go into the tips part. One of my friend tried the Vanilla cake recipe, but most sadly the attempt was not successful. Here I can give a disclaimer that all my recipes are tried and tested for multiple times in my kitchen. It is also true that many a times, even I found that the cake might got over-baked or it could have been baked for few more minutes! So, there is nothing to loose your heart. As I've told you earlier, baking a cake is a form of art - the more you do, the more you improve. I am not an expert, I am also learning and gathering experiences along with you. So, it's a journey together...

Coming back to Tips part - I've never learnt baking from any proper place... my learning is completely from the recipe books and my experience. So, whatever tips I've gathered from my baking experience, I am sharing those here -

1. Measuring ingredients is a very important part in baking. All your ingredients should be exactly same as mentioned in the recipe. So take extra care to measure your ingredients.

2. Beating the batter properly is another important part of the task. Check that the batter increases at least 2-3 times in volume. Best result is obtained when you use an electric beater, Also, don't mix everything together, first prepare the liquid mix, beat well and then gradually fold in the dry ingredients, to get the best output. Fill the cake pan to its 3/4th height - always remember that the cake will rise and there should be enough space in the pan to prevent spilling.

3. Always preheat the oven to desired temperature. If you are using convection microwave then thoroughly read the manual. I've noticed that the baking temperature might vary from brand to brand or say oven to oven. So, if the recipe mentions - bake at 150C for 30-35 mins, and if you find that the cake is not yet done, then let it bake for another 5 minutes or more, until the cake is done. The microwave manual might give you the exact temperature of baking. Also, you will learn from your experience. So, at first try, if you see that the recipe is not giving successful result then you can adjust accordingly. Like, you can adjust the time according to the doneness of your cake.

4. Don't forget to oil and dust your baking pan. Dusting should be done liberally, so that the cake pan has a fine layer of flour before you pour the batter. You can also use baking paper to make the lining. This will help to remove the cake from the pan.

5. Don't disturb the baking process, when the oven is on. Once the baking starts, let it continue till the given time. Also when the cake is ready, you can keep it inside the oven for some more time. Allow the cake to cool down a little within the baking pan before removing.

6. The baking test should be done, when the cake rises and the baking time is over. Use a sharp knife and prick at the middle of the cake till the bottom, where it has risen. The knife should come out absolutely clean. If you see any wetness, then let it bake for another 5 minutes. Repeat the test as long as the cake is not properly done.

7. Once the cake is out, keep it at normal room temperature and cover it with a clean towel. Be careful not to keep it under fan or open air, it might loose its moist.

Let's follow these tips carefully... and I hope, you'll surely be successful in baking a cake pretty soon...

Enjoy baking!


  1. Ur tips are very useful

    But i am wating fir muffin recipe

  2. Thank you so much Madhura. Whatever recipe I post here, all are tried and tested in my kitchen. I didn't bake any muffins in my recent past but I'll surely keep this in mind and plan for a muffin post very soon. Keep following this space. :)
